Thursday, September 3, 2009

Nick's Blog : September

Posted August 2009
On August 24th I had the honor of addressing the National Press Club in Washington, DC on behalf of Bayer. My goal was to once again increase diabetes awareness by speaking publicly about my experience, encourage education, and help raise funds for research and other programs for young people with diabetes. The more opportunities I have to talk and get the word out about diabetes, the more people will know about it, become invested in it and hopefully, we will come that much closer to a cure.

I was able to tell that audience about my desire to help others and how I had realized I’ve been given a platform to speak out to encourage and inspire those living with diabetes. Reaching out and sharing my story is one of the ways I can give back to others. My brothers and I also started the Change for the Children Foundation where we give to organizations that help children. Last year alone we raised over 1 million dollars for charities that are close to our hearts. These funds went to such organizations including pediatric diabetes research, education and treatment, as well as diabetes camps.

I have used Bayer’s CONTOUR meter this summer while on tour, other people like my parents and crew can carry the test strips to make sure I always have the tools to test regularly. On tour I have been able to create a support system around me; you will be amazed at how much it will help you manage your diabetes. Don’t be afraid to lean on those close to you to help you with those high and low days.

**Reminder Alert** The Express Your Simple Wins Creativity Contest is almost over, be sure to get your entries in before September 20th. Your video submissions can be a demonstration of song lyrics, photography, painting/drawing, acting or another form of creativity. In September I’ll get to select the grand prize winners from the monthly winners and personally meet them.

My Simple Win this Month: Raising diabetes awareness at the National Press Club


Source: Nick’s Simple Wins


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